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Below are two videos explaining our message and mission here at the Economic Lifeboat. Chris Temple and Abigail Recker discuss the building of the site and plans for the future.



Rather than just get mad at the system, I have sought to empower my audiences to positively deal with it, in some ways remove themselves from it, and otherwise in a fun and constructive way, and make a better, healthier, and more prosperous life for themselves, their families, and their communities.

All around us are the signs of people starting to wake up. “Oldsters” like Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders have energized millions of young people the last two elections. Generally, America is learning that the top-down structure of our political world is run for the privileged few; not the many citizens.

Elsewhere — whether we’re talking about your food, your health, your money, your security, your information you rely on and all the rest — more and more people understand that the whole top-down power over our lives is actually getting shaky... it’s not good for us anyway... and that best of all there are alternatives!

And that is the idea behind "Building an Economic Lifeboat." 

As I build out this website over the balance of 2018 and beyond, you’re going to find a wealth of knowledge on many subjects, all geared toward helping you build your own “lifeboat.”  Some will be able to do more than others; but in the end, this is about people helping people… and you helping yourself and your family/community from the grassroots up.

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Chris Temple also runs The National Investor, where he shares his knowledge of the investment world in hopes of helping others succeed. 

Take a look at some of Chris' posts: